An experiment in classical reportage aesthetic (with a personal twist) before I go abroad. This will become a personal book cut and spliced in with images from students and professors working in Traina when I'm done with it. I already have nearly 300 frames shot in Traina center on a mixture of film and digital, and should hopefully have enough visual range in the images to find ones that I can pair effectively with these Worcester photographs. I'm exploring the contrasts I see in the city and the emotions I have about them versus how I feel about my immediate enviroment in the sheltered University. This is a contrast that I deal with often, especially immediately after returning to Worcester from San Diego. I hope to explore this discomfort and juxtaposition to gain a better understanding of it through photo-bookmaking before I travel for all of next semester. The selection will be eclectic; this idea is too young for me to edit it down yet, and I feel that the work will organically take shape over the next few weeks.
Maywood Street. Clark University. Worcester, MA.
Main Street. Worcester, MA.
Intersection of Florence Street and Downing Street. Worcester, MA.
Florence Street Playground. Worcester, MA.