Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back on the road again.

To distract us, my family has decided to take a roadtrip together (a first for us). I've been shooting for the last week or two with a new Olympus EPL-1 Micro 4/3 camera and an adapter so that I can use my leica M glass. Here are some shots I've taken recently; sailing, fathers day dinner, and the beginning of the trip. If you follow the link through to Flickr the camera used and the set name will show when it is from. Mostly with the little Oly, but some with my friends Leica M9 (the camera that I really need to be able to use digital as effectively as film due to it's rangefinder).






Thursday, June 16, 2011

A quick photo from my trip.

I've been using the images I captured on my roadtrip to distract me from the loss of my grandmother. Here are a few choice shots from 35mm B&W (XP2) and Color negs shot on the trip. This was the first time I used a red filter (B+W 4x red polarizer) to shoot b&w (I was worried about the solid light blue skies we had been seeing) and I'm glad I decided to use it on the shots that I did. It seemed to bring out the trees very nicely too.





Here is a slideshow of the remainder of the images:

Friday, June 10, 2011


Just saying... I love Velvia. This has not been edited in any way, it's a straight scan! Look at that color!!

More family shots.

More shots from the house here. The first one of these is Velvia 50 through a Leica M3, the rest were taken on a Rollei XF-35 Rangefinder with a 40mm F2.8 Zeiss Sonnar lens. The film was Kodak Portra 160 NC.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Family Together

Hey Everybody,

I have been at my grandmothers house the last few weeks, she's passing of terminal cancer sometime soon (although has been defying the doctors estimates and pulling through) and the entire family has been here spending time with her. Here are some images I've captured on (mostly) film and some digital.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Here are digital photographs taken in Yellowstone National Parks. All of the film from my roadtrip is still being processed.




The rest of the photos can be seen at the Flickr photoset url located here: